Allegro Coffee Blue Nile Blend
Today I have a bean from Allegro Coffee out of Thornton, Colorado. Allegro’s story starts back in 1975 and people get their coffee from cans. Grim though it may seem, there was a time when people thought all coffee was the same. It was a time without espresso shops. A time without “Arabica” in the American lexicon. But Jeffrey Cohn, whose grandfather founded coffee giant Superior Coffee, hatched the idea to bring truly superior coffee to the people. His specialty coffee company would sell coffee that—gasp—tasted good. In 1977, his vision became a reality with the establishment of The Brewing Market in Boulder, Colorado. After opening his second shop in 1980, Cohn began roasting his own beans, exposing Boulder to authentic, freshly roasted specialty coffees for the first time. In 1985, increasing demand in the wholesale market prompted Cohn to sell The Brewing Market and launch Allegro Coffee Company, an import, roasting and wholesale distribution venture. Cohn used o...