Rooftop Natural Ethiopia Mokonisa

Today I have for you guys an amazing bean from Rooftop Coffee Roasters out of Fernie, British Colombia, Canada. In July 2016, they launched their small roastery with one cafe client, a handful of retail customers, and a 17-year-old head roaster. At the time, the team's past business experience spanned many industries, except the coffee industry. And they were coming out of the gate with a mantra of light roasted coffee and “Single Origin, Single Speed” in the dark roast dominated town of Fernie, BC. They’ve come a long way since their early days of home roasting on the rooftop. For starters, their shop is at ground-level and they are no longer roasting 250 grams at a time, in a tiny electric roaster. However, cracking open a bag of green coffee still inspires them in the same wonder and excitement, and they can’t wait to see where it will take them next. This is their Natural Ethiopia Mokonisa bean. This bean carries the Certifications of being...