Flat Track Yirgacheffe Aramo

   Here I have a tasty bean from the people over at Flat Track Coffee out of Austin, Texas. Flat Track is part coffee shop, part bike shop. Per their website: "Coffee done right, metal fabrication, and anything with wheels." From pictures I've seen online, this place looks super neat! And they have some neat swag in their shop like red shop rags with their logo on it.

   This is their Yirgacheffe Aramo bean. A fully washed bean from the Gedeo Zone in Ethiopia. I brewed this at my 1:12 ratio. Flat Track notes flavors of jasmine, caramel. & tangerine. This was very good; but I do love Ethiopian beans. Great floral aroma. Nice orange acidity. Lots of tasty stone fruits & tropical fruits in there, as well. This bean made for a sweet & refreshing cold brew!

   Many thanks to David & Flat Track for the tasty beans.

Go check them out here:  flattrackcoffee.com


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