Onyx Colombia Aponte Village

   Here I have another fantastic bean from the awesome people at Onyx Coffee Lab. This will be my second time featuring Onyx as a roaster. I've been a fan of theirs since before I started Truman Cold Brew, so it's awesome getting back another favorite roaster of mine. I swung through their shop on the way back from a beer release held in Rogers, Arkansas a few weeks ago. Their cafe in Bentonville is an amazing place if you've never been. Onyx Coffee Lab was born in October of 2012. Back then, Jon & Andrea were struggling to get access to the kind of green coffee samples they were interested in. When no one knows who you are, no one wants to take a chance on you. They came out blazing with siphons, Kyoto cold brew towers, and weekly cuppings and classes, anything they could do to get customers asking why. Today they consist of a roasting facility, three stores with another on the way, 59 baristas, two roasters, a delivery guy, a warehouse grandpa, and a toddler.

   This is their Colombia Aponte Village bean. This is a honey processed bean from the Narino Region of Colombia. Located in the village of Aponte deep in the Juanambú canyon, it is produced by the indigenous community of the Inga. This group belonged to the northernmost part of the Inca Empire, who colonized the south of Colombia in the late XIV century, a bit before the Spanish came. I brewed this at my 1:12 ratio. Onyx notes flavors of strawberry, floral honey, pie crust, & brown sugar. This bean made for an amazing cold brew. I love natural & honey processed beans for my cold brew. Crazy aroma on these beans during grind, which translated to the brew. Floral & berries. Honey & vanilla. Nutty & fruity. Such an amazingly sweet cold brew. This was a keeper for sure!

   Many thanks to Gabe & Onyx for the tasty beans. Gabe put together a nice box of beans for me, so I will have a couple more for you guys to enjoy!

Definitely go give these guys a follow:  onyxcoffeelab.com


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