Bidaar Honey Rwanda

  Today's coffee comes to us from Bidaar Coffee. What started as an idea to just roast coffee became more personal. They began to meet producers & farmers & heard stories. Stories they hope we all enjoy in every cup. Because at the end of the day, they are what they are: they are coffee people.

  This is their Honey Rwanda. From the Gakenke district, produced by the Coko Station. Due to the extremely high altitude, and very unique processing method, the region produces a very small amount of honey-process beans every year. And Bidaar got their hands on a bit. This was a very unique bean. Bidaar notes flavors of raisin, caramel, citrus. This wasn't as sweet as most honey-processed beans I've had. But I definitely got the nice citrus acidity. Deep dark fruit. Cola. Nice syrupy body. Very nice cup.

  Thanks again to Varin & Bidaar for the tasty beans.

Go check these guys out:


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