Bootstrap Burundi

  Today I have one of two coffees from Bootstrap Coffee out of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Micah started Bootstrap in 2014 with no partners or employees, a 6-pound roaster, and just a handful of wholesale customers. Now with a few more people on board, his vision remains the same, roasting coffees he really likes and humbly serving them to us.

  This is Bootstraps Burundi. A fully washed bean from the Gacokwe Washing Station Cooperative. Bootstrap notes flavors of apricot, fig, caramel, and lemon candy. I brewed this at a 1:12 ratio. I definitely got the dried fruit taste. Nice citric acidity going on. Brown sugar sweetness. Very nice.

  Thanks again to Micah & Bootstrap for the great coffees.

Go check out what these guys offer:


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