Black Oak Duomo Espresso

  Today's coffee comes to us from Black Oak Coffee Roasters. Black Oak is based out of Ukiah, California. I really like the typography they use for their logo design.

  This is their Duomo Espresso. Duomo is a northern Italian style espresso roast. Medium-Dark. Not sure the bean or processing used, but this was definitely the darkest bean I've yet to cold brew. Brewed at my standard dark roast ratio of 1:8. This was a dark roast. Very deep, dark chocolate, woodsy. Was a nice drink, but a little too dark; not enough sweet for my taste in a cold brew. Maybe some could be used in a blend with a sweeter bean, like an Ethiopian. Will have to try this as a pour over this weekend. Bet it makes for a nice espresso shot.

  Thanks again to McKenzie & Black Oak for the coffee. Excited to try the other bean they sent out.

Go check these guys out:


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