Blue Monarch Aged Guatemala

  Today we have another great coffee from Blue Monarch Coffee. Blue Monarch is roasting some tasty beans right here in Kansas City. Even though they are relatively new to the scene, they are doing great things with coffee & their community.

  This is their Limited Release Aged Guatemala. They were only able to secure a small lot of this coffee, so it went pretty fast. But no worries if you missed out before, they are taking pre-orders for more to be released today, March 14. This was a very interesting coffee. And the highest-grade coffee Blue Monarch has ever roasted. It won the Cup of Excellence award in 2011 and has been aging ever since. Blue Monarch notes flavors of berry, toffee, and smoky. I brewed this at my 1:12 ratio. At first grind, I got some amazing aromas of leather & tobacco. Such a smooth, syrupy cup. I also noted some butterscotch. Will definitely be brewing this again. Maybe at a stronger ratio, 1:8 perhaps.

Thanks again to Tyler & Blue Monarch for the tasty coffee.

Go check these guys out:


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