Onyx Ethiopia Hambela Buku

  Today we have a 2 for the price of 1 special! Two coffees from Onyx Coffee Lab. Onyx is based out of Northwest Arkansas.

  These two coffees are the same bean, but processed different ways. I love this concept and wish more Roasters would do it. These beans are both Ethiopia Hambela Buku. One is a washed bean, the other a natural. This is the third year that Onyx has worked with the Hambela estate in the Guji zone of Ethiopia. They have visited the farm every year to date and have seen tremendous growth in quality, volume, and care for the community. This year the farm extended itself to become completely organic and has cupped extremely high. Onyx expects this to be a long term staple for them serving pristine high quality clean Ethiopians. On to the brews. I brewed both at a 1:12 ratio. The washed Onyx notes as having flavors of lime, jasmine, bergamot, floral honey, berries. I loved the orange citrus I tasted in here. Very nice tea-like body as well. Very sweet. I definitely taste the floral honey they mentioned. The Natural stole the show though, in my opinion. Onyx notes flavors of strawberry, coconut milk, kiwi, lime zest, cocoa. This coffee was so juicy. Sweet berry & citrus forward cup. Fruity pebbles anyone?! Both of these coffees were amazing, but the natural is one of the best I've had! Crazy how much processing affects the taste. It makes sense though, as the naturals are getting extra sugar through the fermenting of the cherry. Science! 🔬

  Thanks again to Andrea & Onyx for the awesome coffee!

Definitely go check these guys out:  onyxcoffeelab.com


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