Dubbs Fireworks | The World

   Here I have another tasty bean from Dubbs Coffee from here in Kansas City, Missouri. Tyler's mission is to use Dubbs Coffee to create or sustain moments that matter. He does that by standing firm on his 3 key principles. First, Don't Complicate A Simple Pleasure. Second, Always Look For Ways To Put A Smile On A Face. Third, Never Compromise Quality & Freshness For Convenience.

   This is their Fireworks | The World bean. Each month they provide a unique roast from a different region . This months bean is a washed bean from Burundi, Africa. Dubbs notes flavors of cinnamon and vanilla, with hints of grape/raisins. I brewed this at my 1:12 ratio. I got sweet stone fruits & spice. Some nice nuttiness too. Almost getting an apple pie vibe. Very smooth cup of cold brew.

   Use coupon code “missyou” for 20% off through January 30 at DubbsCoffee.com. Tyler is doing great things in the coffee scene. Continue to follow Dubbs for some great local Kansas City coffee.

Find them here:  dubbscoffee.com


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