Tandem Guji

   Today I feature another bean from Tandem Coffee Roasters from Portland, Maine. In 2012, after working in coffee in Boston, Martha's Vineyard, San Francisco, and New York, Will and Kathleen Pratt found a home for Tandem Coffee Roasters in Portland, Maine. With Will’s background in carpentry and Kathleen’s painting and sanding skills, they built a cozy cafe and roastery in a beautiful 1930's brick building nestled in East Bayside — a neighborhood they call home.

   This is their Guji bean. This coffee from the Uraga region in Guji; the highest elevation coffee producing area in Ethiopia. Tandem describes this bean as being super sweet and juicy, with notes of stone fruit, ripe watermelon, and marzipan. I brewed this at my 1:12 ratio. This was a nice cup of cold brew. I got lots of sweet berries & florals in this coffee. Tasty stone fruits. Nice citrus and brightness. Super tasty cold brew.

   Thanks to Will & Tandem for the tasty bean.

Go see what they have to offer here:  tandemcoffee.com


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