Push X Pull Kenya

   Here I feature the second bean I’ve had from Push X Pull Coffee out of Portland, Oregon. I met one of the guys from Push X Pull as they were passing through Kansas City; good times. Christopher and his buddy started Push X Pull due to their need for Grade-A, Off-The-Charts, Get-Me-Out-Of-Bed-In-The-Morning Coffee. Push X Pull Coffee; Roasting Coffee Since A Couple Days Ago. 

   This is their Kenya bean. A washed bean from the Makwa Estate out of the Kiambu County region. I brewed this at my 1:12 ratio. This made for another tasty cold brew, as did their other bean. Very fruity, red berries. Juicy & intense, especially for a washed bean. Nice syrupy cold brew. This would make for an amazing summer cold brew beverage, but still equally as tasty this winter. 

   Many thanks to Christopher & Push X Pull for the tasty beans. Be on the lookout for them as they are about to open their brick & mortar store in Portland this month.

Go check them out here:  pushxpullcoffee.com


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